Family Dentistry Santa Clarita

What is Family Dentistry?

While some dentists specialize in certain areas of dentistry or age groups, a family dentist is trained and licensed to care for people of ALL ages. The providers at Smile Care Valencia know that preventive care is crucial for good oral health, so your baby teeth make way for healthy permanent teeth that last your whole lifetime. It’s no secret that good oral health includes routine exams and cleanings for your entire family.

These dedicated professionals also have extensive experience and expertise in treating numerous dental health concerns. They also use the most advanced technology and innovative methods available for cosmetic dental services.

What is included in a dental examination?

Dental examinations help diagnose oral disease before it can become hazardous to your health. Regular examinations can also save you money on dental treatment by fixing problems while they are small.
An initial oral examination includes a visual examination, charting, periodontal probing, diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

We will also take digital X-ray for proper diagnosis of the anterior (front) and posterior (back) teeth as well as the bite-wing X-ray series for proper diagnosis of proximal decay of posterior teeth.

Your dental examination otherwise generally includes:

  • Evaluation for Periodontal Disease – This examination focuses on bleeding or puffy gums, tooth infection, bad breath, or any other problem around the tooth.
  • Oral Cancer Screening – This involves a thorough check to examine for any signs of oral cancer. Regular examinations help in early diagnosis and treatment.
  • Screening for Cavities and Tooth Fractures – This portion of the exam involves checking for wear and tear of cavities and possible tooth fractures.
  • Checking Status of Current Restorations – A regular oral examination helps in evaluating the status of restorations, including fillings, veneers, crowns, implants, and bridges.
  • Examination for Tooth Decay – Early detection of tooth decay aids in providing timely treatment which, depending on the severity of the problem, may include filling, crown, root canal treatment, or extraction.

Why are cleanings important?

Professional cleanings help prevent gum disease, gingivitis, and tooth decay. During a professional cleaning, your dentist or hygienist will:
Remove plaque that can lead to tartar and cavities resulting in tooth decay and gum irritation

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