All Ceramic Zirconia Implant

If you are missing one or more teeth, the best way to replace a tooth is by using Dental Implants.

Missing teeth affect can affect your appearance and your confidence in your smile. Missing teeth can also make it harder to eat or speak.

Today’s dental implants are stronger and more functional than they have ever been, and they also look completely natural.

The newest advancement in implant dentistry is with the advent of zirconia implants, which originated in Europe and recently became available in the US.

They are quickly becoming the preferred material for patients and dentists alike, as they are amazingly safe, effective, and absolutely beautiful.

Zirconia implants are made from zirconia oxide, a ceramic-type material, that has a natural white color that blends in seamlessly with patients natural’s teeth.

Multiple types of implant materials are available,  with titanium being the most common choice. It’s strong, lightweight and is still widely used today.

However, to make it strong enough to function as a dental implant, some Titanium implants have nickel added to them, and this can be problematic, as some studies show that up to 20% of the population has a nickel allergy.

As a holistic dentist, Dr. Robert Hedvat appreciates that zirconia is biocompatible and naturally occurring. This means that it won’t react with the patient’s systems, making it readily accepted by the gum and mouth tissue.

This is key because this greatly lessens the chances of the body rejecting the implant or attack it with an immune response. It is also a tremendously hard material, meaning it will resist chewing forces with amazing strength.

Advantages of Zirconium Ceramic Implants


Zirconia is a biocompatible substance. Though titanium is shown to react well with the body, it’s not classified as biocompatible, so it carries some risk of rejection. One of the reasons it’s so crucial to choose a biocompatible option is that rejection might either happen immediately or many years in the future, and the use of biocompatible material can greatly lessen the chance of any future complications.

Patients with auto-immune conditions such as Crohn’s Disease or lupus should take extra precaution when it comes to choosing implant material and consider their options carefully, and consider choosing a biocompatible material like zirconia as much as possible.



Zirconia is a neutral material and hypoallergenic, which is not the case with some metal implants. Surprisingly, many cases of titanium implant sensitivity show up years after surgery when itchiness and inflammation develop around implant sites.

It’s a perfect setup for bone loss and the potential failure of an implant. People who have allergies, skin sensitivities, and compromised immune systems; therefore implantation of metal devices should be seriously scrutinized beforehand,

Before selecting an implant system, consider MELISA testing.

The MELISA test is very useful for the diagnosis of allergies and sensitivities.

Visit   for more information. It’s an innovative diagnostic tool used to identify metal allergies and sensitivities.



As people become more health conscious, they rightfully express concern about having metal in their mouth. Metals like mercury have been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Though titanium and other metal implants don’t use mercury, patients who once upon a time had mercury fillings often wonder if new information will come to light about the dangers of other metals in the mouth.


Shorter Healing Time

Zirconia Implant patients can expect a much shorter healing process than a traditional Titanium Implant, along with a significant increase in comfort and function afterward due to biocompatibility and the strength of zirconia.

With Zirconia Implants, the odds are in favor of long-term success.

Non-conductive Material

It’s also important to note that metal conducts electricity and heat, while zirconia does not. Granted, feeling discomfort from an electrical current or feeling excess heat in your mouth are rare occurrences, they can happen, especially among sensitive populations.



Zirconia is a very strong material. Patients appreciate that it simulates the natural tooth perfectly, allowing them to enjoy their food without the worry of shifting or breakage. Zirconia implants mimic the best of nature with a variety of tooth-like shapes and inert makeup.

Zirconia has long been in use in various medical and dental applications, and the list of its amazing qualities and uses grow all the time.



Titanium implants can house more plaque, mostly because of the bacteria buildup from the added metal alloys. Zirconia, on the other hand, attracts less plaque, making it easier to maintain your oral health.


Aesthetically pleasing

The inherent problem that frequently arises with titanium implants is an aesthetic one. Patients with thin gums or those who have or prone to getting gum recession (especially in the aging population) can get dark gums or titanium showing around the margin of the crown.

Since zirconia is non-metallic and white, it is much more natural looking than titanium. It’s a perfect base color that closely mimics what nature created in the first place.


Zirconia Dental Implant Cost

In Dr. Robert Hedvat’s office, we will work with you to make sure you get the maximum amount of insurance benefits allowed by your plan to keep your costs as low as possible.

The cost of a Zirconia Dental Implant is very similar to traditional Titanium implants, but the benefits are obvious and numerous.

Would you like to find out if zirconia implants are right for you?

Schedule a free consultation with our office today!

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