General Dentistry Santa Clarita

A large number of people are usually not concerned by the state of their dental hygiene. Unless they develop a dental complication, most people are not likely to consider a trip to the dentist. Nonetheless, a dental check-up is very important in improving the quality of your teeth and also in preventing any dental complications that might come afterward.

At Smile Care Valencia we provide various dental treatments as well as cosmetic procedures for all dental issues. You can rely on us intended for the best general dentistry, Santa Clarita. Our dentists perform a variety of dental services on a day to day basis. Some of the most common procedures include;

Dental consultation

Before you can get dental treatment at any dental facility, it is important that you first go for a consultation session in order to determine which kind of treatment you will require for your dental issue.

Dental consultation does not mean that you will also get treatment but is a means of diagnosing dental conditions before you can be treated. When you visit us for a dental consultation, the dentist will do a thorough examination of your teeth, mouth tissues and jaw structure. If you experience any pain in the oral region, the dentist can determine which dental issue you have and how it can be corrected.

Visit our dental office today at Smile Care Valencia to get affordable and quality dental consultation services.

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    Tooth extraction

    Tooth extraction is a very common dental treatment in general dentistry Santa Clarita.

    Tooth extraction can be done either individually or can be coupled with other dental treatments to improve the state of oral hygiene. Our dentists can perform a simple extraction which involves removing a completely visible tooth. The dentist will simply use special dental equipment to dislodge the tooth from the gum socket and pick it out using dental forceps. We also offer surgical tooth extraction for teeth that are partially visible.

    Teeth cleaning

    Teeth cleaning is a form of cosmetic dentistry that is aimed at reducing stains deposited on the surface of the tooth. Tooth cleaning does not entail sophisticated chemicals as opposed to teeth bleaching. Instead, tooth cleaning requires basic equipment and can be performed by a general dentist. Our dentists are well trained in teeth cleaning procedures which will leave your teeth whiter than ever before.

    Dental Fillings

    Broken or chipped teeth can be quite a nuisance especially because they interfere with your smile and how you look. Through general dentistry Santa Clarita, you can forget about those chips and cracks on your teeth and have an even set of teeth.

    At Smile Care Valencia, we use dental fillings to cover teeth that are chipped or broken in order to restore the tooth to its original functionality.

    The dentist will use a combined material to cover the piece that is broken on the tooth. The dental filling is polished to match the shade of adjacent teeth then well shaped to look like a normal tooth. For the best dental filling in the city, visit us at Smile Care Valencia.

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