Sedation Dentistry Santa Clarita

Sedation dentistry is a type of dentistry that involves dosing the patient with sedative medication to reduce anxiety and tension during treatment. A large number of people are usually afraid or anxious to visit the dentist due to phobias. For several people, they just do not have adequate pain tolerance to sit through dental treatment without getting uncomfortable or continually fidgeting.

Dentists usually recommend sedation dentistry to ease the patient’s tension and also facilitate more comfortable and better dental treatment. Most of the time, children are given sedative medication since they are most affected by the fear of going to the dentist. If you wish to get sedative medication during treatment, you can consult Smile Care Valencia. They offer sedation dentistry provided by professional and well-skilled dentists.

Different ways that sedation can be used in dental treatment

Sedation dentistry is usually administered for various dental treatments. It can be given to children as well as adults depending on the level of anxiety that they have and if it may affect treatment. Sedation is usually moderated with regards to dental treatment. For instance, tooth extraction may require only light sedation while root canal therapy may require general anesthesia to induce relaxation. Sedation can be given in different ways. You can contact Smile Care Valencia to know which method of sedation is most suitable for you.

Inhaled minimal sedation

This method involves taking the sedative as a gas through a gas mask. The gas is usually moderate and won’t make you unconscious after the dental treatment. The gas is intended to make you relax so that the dental treatment can continue undisturbed. This method of sedation is usually recommended for children since it does not have lasting effects. According to the dentist, you can quickly drive yourself home after having inhaled minimal sedation unlike other forms of sedation.

Oral sedation

Oral sedation is administered in the appearance of a pill. For this kind of sedation, it is necessary that a professional dentist administers the medication. The dentist usually gives the pill an hour before the procedure since the effects are slightly above average. The oral sedation may make you drowsy, and at times you may fall asleep during treatment. Oral sedation is given in different doses for both children and adults.

IV moderate sedation

This method of sedation involves the use of injection directly into the bloodstream. In this form of dental sedation, the dentist can adjust the amount of medication depending on whether the patient is feeling any discomfort. Since the drug is injected into the vein directly, it kicks in faster and is usually administered just before the treatment starts. IV sedation is recommended for its ease and fast-working mechanism.

Deep sedation and general anesthesia

This form of dental sedation is usually severe and is done for dental treatment that requires intensive surgical operations. The sedation can make the patient become completely unconscious and may last even after the dental treatment. In some cases, the dentist can use medication to reverse the effects of the sedation.

Here are some advantages associated with sedation dentistry:

  • Anxiety is alleviated.
  • Few side effects.
  • More can be accomplished during each visit.
  • No needles.
  • No pain.
  • Perfectly safe.
  • Procedures seem to take less time.

What types of drugs are used in oral conscious sedation?

Most of the drugs used in sedation dentistry are classified as benzodiazepines.  Benzodiazepines reduce anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia, and seizures.  Each medication has a different half-life, meaning that the effects last for varying amounts of time.  The estimated length of the procedure determines which type of drug is going to be most effective.

Here are some of the most common drugs used in oral conscious sedation:

Valium® – This sedative has amnesic properties and a long half-life. It is usually used for time-consuming, complex procedures.

Halcion® – Usually used to treat insomnia, Halcion is an effective sedative with amnesic properties.  A short half-life makes this sedative useful for shorter procedures.

Ativan® – This sedative is best known for reducing anxiety.  It has amnesic properties and a medium half-life.  Ativan is typically used for treatments shorter than two hours.

Versed® – This sedative has the shortest half-life and is, therefore, less commonly used.  It alleviates anxiety in much the same way as nitrous oxide and is used for visits that will take less than 30 minutes.

If you have questions or concerns about sedation dentistry, please ask Dr. Robert.

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